
Swag Your Tea: 5 Ways to Give & Promote Tea Sales

Swag bags can be a valuable tool to promote your biz!
Swag bags can be a valuable tool to promote your biz!

Everyone loves a swag bag, those prettily-wrapped gift bags with free stuff at place settings or given to guests as they exit. They’re a perfect way for organizations to say thank you to donors and hosts appreciate unusual items in a swag bag and that gives you an opportunity to promote promote promote. NOTE: Swag bags aren’t just for nonprofit charity gigs; think weddings and other life events, intimate home parties, or spectacular business events.

1. Add Swag Bags to Your Gift Basket Category

It’s a creative project that can accent the style of the event while serving as a lovely way to promote teas and teaware from your shop at the event and for future sales and, depending upon the budget and quantity ordered, swag bags can be as simple or as elaborate as your imagination can take you. Think of them as a way of expanding your gift basket service to an ever-widening audience that gives you publicity today, and increases sales for the future. Promote this profit-maker service to all your customers with the “Marketing Trinity” of Window or In-Store Signage, Print Flyers, and Digital Media/Website Content. NOTE: School events, holiday celebrations, and parties small and large could all be made more spectacular by swag bags styled by YOU.

2. Support Organizations You Care About

Loads of groups would love your freebies yet try, whenever possible, to make connections with organizations whose mission aligns with yours whether it’s helping the work of animal shelters, fighting a particular disease with funds for research, supporting extra services for your children’s schools or aiding your own alumni organization. This connection is a feel-good way to support your favorite causes and remind friends and colleagues of your shop.

Nonprofits are a popular market for swag bags, and so are business-to-business gatherings so work with your local convention center, chamber of commerce, or biggest local employer to become a go-to vendor. Their budgets are larger (think teapots and kettles versus mugs and filters) and supporting local businesses like yours has win-win appeal to companies large or small. Businesses need viable sources for holiday gifts to their clients, so today’s swag bag could be this holiday season’s gift basket bonanza.

While budgets vary, swag bags are profitable with careful curation. Containers can be inexpensive colorful paper bags holding teabags and a simple mug ($20) or elaborate linen-lined picnic baskets holding cozies, teapots, fine cups, and artisanal teas ($200.)

Should the margin be tight, add coupons or flyers for discounts specifically for the host’s guests/supporters and set a deadline for redemption. Today’s swag bag leads to tomorrow’s sales!

3. Select Swag with an Eye to Shop Promotion

Always include items that feature your shop’s special services like tea demonstrations or catering … You never know who will want those! Then add teas and accessories most identified with your shop. Add smaller items like filters and measuring spoons, paper filter bags, honey drippers, and tea sweets making sure tags on each indicate your shop’s info like phone, website info, email (folks share, so you never know who’s using what.) EXCEPTION: Cross-market with other local shops as appropriate for pastries or linens or similar tea table items.

4. Swag with Info

Create “mini books” like How to Brew Tea or Tea 101 or a design a stack of illustrated recipe cards for favorite tea time treats. These are delicious ideas to include in any gift basket or swag bag you create or to add to swag bags of others with whom you cross-market.

It’s easy to develop content if you already have it on your website or start fresh, remembering the motto: Write once, repurpose many times. BONUS: Mark them with a suggested retail price to encourage people to order them as gifts for their friends. Keep samples by your POS for impulse buys.

5. Make Re-Ordering Easy and Obvious

Recipients often share goodies in the swag bag, so every item should be in a container (pouches or drawstring bags, envelope or box) with info on what it is, how to use it, and how to re-order. Always make sure to put your website, email, and phone number on the items. And, always include something that is a signature item of your shop be it unique teas or unusual greeting cards, something only you carry.

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