
New! Advanced Search Function on AdagioXL

AdagioXL can now be searched by details such as ingredients!
AdagioXL can now be searched by details such as ingredients!

During the slower months of summer, we have been devising improvements to our wholesale platform adagioXL.com

One such improvement is an Advanced Search. By clicking on the search icon (magnifying glass) on the top right of any page at www.adagioXL.com, the "Advanced Search" option will appear. Simply click on it, and a variety of terms to select will appear on the left side of the page, thus enabling searching for products by origin, variety, caffeine level, and ingredients.

Adding this function will enhance the ability to easily find what our business clients need without going page to page. Efficiency is time and time is money! With tea and tisanes being sought after so fervently by consumers, the search by ingredient will have special value. Please give it a try and let us know your thoughts!

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