
The World Needs Tea

With 2017 off to a tumultuous start for so many people, tea is more essential than ever. Everyone can benefit from the clarity and solace found in a good cup of our favorite beverage.

As tea purveyors, we find ourselves in an unusually beneficial spot to be able to help the world around us by simply doing what we always do by sharing the awesome power of a mere cup of tea. Foster healing and support with tea and meditation events, prominently featuring those teas that best help with emotional support.

Meadow in a Cup
Meadow in a Cup

Many of us who are so passionate about the benefits of tea found this by accident, while soothing ourselves and then falling in love with leafy goodness. Now is time to share this passion and insight to foster meaningful conversation and soften the edges of division, one sip at a time.

Our favorites for self-care and mental clarity are below:

Daydream An emotional support blend with passion flowers, lavender, milk thistle, peppermint and more to sooth and comfort.

Cha Cha Energizing and relaxing blend of lemon grass, chamomile and peppermint. Sooth the belly and the mind will follow.

Sencha Premier First flush Japanese premium tea that inherently offers energy and focus from gentle amounts of caffeine and L-theanine.

Green Rooibos Blueberry Muscle relaxing benefits of green rooibos with the delicious taste of blueberries. Wonderful about an hour before bedtime to sip away the days stresses.

All teas have such benefits, so these are just starters. Be there for your customer and be their source of comfort in trying times. We wish you all happy sips and leafy goodness!

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